Useful Information

Information for leaders

Leaders bringing their groups for taster sessions can download an information document: Click here

Risk Assessment

Our Risk Assessment is available for download: Click here

GDPR Data Protection

  • In providing sessions JGSRPC will require to hold personal data that identifies you and the person in charge on the day; such as a name, your group/unit, an address, an email and contact number/s, so that we can organise and operate your booking in a manner that will benefit both the club and yourself.
  • In making a booking you are agreeing to JGSRPC holding this information.
  • The data will be held on record will only be shared with JGSRPC members involved with your session. It will not be shared outside JGSRPC unless it is legally required to do so.
  • Under normal circumstances JGSRPC does not hold young person’s data. However, in the event of accident the instructor will require to extract relevant data from the permission form to complete an accident form. This information will be held safely and until the incident has been fully concluded.
  • JGSRPC are committed to protecting your privacy and personal information.
  • JGSRPC occasionally take photographs for the promotion of our section, so please let us know if we may not take photographs.

Clothing / What To Wear

The participants should come changed ready to go on the water. Participants should wear weather appropriate clothing, ideally made of material that does not soak up water (e.g. sports style clothing – no Jeans). A windproof cagoule can be provided. Shoes; wet shoes or trainers should be worn (wellies, hard soled shoes and crocs are not suitable). Hats (beanies and hair bands for long hair). Bring a towel and spare change of clothes in case you get wet. Spectacles should be secured. Hearing aids, mobile phones and other valuables should be left ashore with parent or leader.

Safety and Swimming

Buoyancy Aids will be provided and must be worn at all times on, and by the water. In accordance with Scout Association rules, participating scouts must be able to swim at least 50 metres in light clothing and a buoyancy aid and tread water for 5 minutes. Non-swimmers may be accepted but it must be pre-arranged in order that extra precautions may be taken.

Weil’s disease

While there has been no recent instances in Bristol Harbour of Weil’s disease, it still remains a risk. Please ensure that all cuts and abrasions are covered by waterproof plasters beforehand. More details on Weil’s disease can be found on the NHS website.

Scouting Information

Girlguiding Information