We are a RYA Recognised Training Centre and provide
Course participants do not need to be a member of The Scout Association.
All courses are run from the David Woodhead Centre and we use classrooms and facilities either at Severnside Sub-Aqua Club or at Young Bristol.
Most courses are a minimum of 16 hours (weather permitting), usually Saturday and Sunday, 9-5.30 both days.
If a course is full please email [email protected] to express an interest and be put on the reserve list.
The student: instructor ratio is a maximum of 6:1, unless stated otherwise
The course fees include
Buoyancy aids are provided and are worn at all times when we are on or near the water.
It is important for sailing courses that trainees can swim and are confident in the water
See Information tab about what to wear
Dinghy Sailing courses from Stage 1 to Stage 4 and Start Racing are available.
The student: instructor ratio is 6:1 however our instructor always has an assistant.
Generally participants sail on their own or in pairs in small dinghies (Toppers and RS Zests)
Stage 1 Start Sailing course: No experience is needed, the aim is to sail and turn with instruction
Stage 2: Participants require Stage 1, the aim is to sail where you want to in light winds
Stage 3: Participants require Stage 2, the aim is to sail in more exciting winds
Stage 4: Participants require Stage 3, the aim is learning to sail in two man boats
Start Racing: Participants require Stage 3 or 4, the aim is to understand the basics of racing using Toppers and RS Fevas
Dinghy Sailing courses from Level 1 to Level 3, Start Racing and Seamanship are available.
RYA Level 1: No experience is necessary. The aim is to sail and turn with instruction, usually two or three trainees sail in a crewed boat (Laser Bahia or Wayfarer) with the instructor.
Level 2: Participants require Level 1. The aim is to sail where they want to, in light winds, without an instructor.
Level 3: Participants require Level 2. This consolidates skills and introduces new techniques.
Start Racing: Participants require Level 2. The aim is to understand the basics of racing using Toppers, RS Zests and Fevas and Laser Bahias
Seamanship: An Advanced course and participants require Level 3. It is fun and teaches advanced boat controls.
RYA Level 2
No experience is required. For Adults and young people over 12 years.
The course covers close quarter boat handling skills, basic collision regulations and planing skills.
The student: instructor ratio is a maximum of 3:1
Safety boat courses
Participants should be experienced drivers and the minimum age is 16. The course is useful for those wishing to teach and support racing fleets.
We use 2 rigid hulled powerboats, a 3.6m Geneau with tiller steer and a 4m Geneau with a consul and wheel.
The RYA First Aid course covers areas including drowning, cold water shock, sea sickness, dehydration and hypothermia.
This course is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages. Immediate action in an emergency at sea can save lives
Duration: 1 day (8 hours) 9:00 to 17:00
Course Materials Provided: RYA First Aid book